CIAT Executive Secretariat participates in the Fourth Transfer Pricing Workshop of IFA Panama and INSPAT

On April 11, with the support of numerous sponsors, the International Fiscal Association (IFA) Group of Panama and the Panamanian Institute of Taxation (INSPAT) organized the Fourth Transfer Pricing Workshop. This activity addressed the latest developments in transfer pricing, Panama’s experience from various perspectives and the challenges for Panama and Latin America and the Caribbean involved in the evaluation and adoption of the Global Minimum Tax that was developed under Pillar II of Action 1 of the BEPS Action Plan.
This Fourth Workshop was attended by more than one hundred participants, including prominent tax advisors from Panama, the Director General of the DGI and officials from the transfer pricing area of the DGI. For its part, the CIAT Executive Secretariat actively participated in the panels that addressed the latest developments on transfer pricing and the Global Minimum Tax.
We thank the organizers for convening CIAT on this occasion and congratulate them for the success achieved in this Fourth Conference.
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