Towards cross-border digital identification For just over two years, with the support of the Inter-American Digital Government Network (RedGealc) [i] and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) [ii] work began on the integration of cross-border digital IDs in the region. For this, work began on what was called the “Rioplatense Citizen”, where Argentina…

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The evolution of digital identification For several decades in the digital world, we have used a specific identification in each of the systems, portals or digital services; usually by combining a username and a password. Unlike traditional identifications, in the digital world identification and identity verification is necessary, since we…

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I have heard that the best way to predict the future is to know the past and the present. In terms of new technologies and especially when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI), the answer is not so simple and even less so when it comes to predicting their use…

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The International Observatory on eInvoicing, part of the renowned Digital Innovation Observatories at Politecnico di Milano School of Management, one of the leading Italian Universities in the field of engineering and technological innovation. The Observatory is a pioneering initiative dedicated to advancing the adoption, understanding, and innovation of electronic invoicing…

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Over the last few years, the Province of Córdoba – a subnational jurisdiction of the Argentine Republic – has been implementing various actions and mechanisms aimed at establishing a “New Administration”, oriented towards simplification and digital-technological modernization as clear and concrete pillars that are essential for any design, proposal and/or…

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Technological progress has made space exploration a reality, in what is known as the new “Space Economy” [1] With missions planned to the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies, and the growing space race, with greater involvement of the private sector: How will taxation be established in Space? This topic is…

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