Seminar on Tax Collection Systems – Voluntary and Executive Periods

The Seminar on Tax Collection Systems was held last September 21st to 23rd, 2011, in Quito with the joint sponsorship of the SRI of Ecuador and CIAT.

The event was inaugurated by the Director-General of the Internal Revenue Service of Ecuador, Mr. Carlos Marx Carrasco, and the CIAT International Cooperation Manager, Mr. Gonzalo Arias. Approximately 100 officials from the tax administration of Ecuador attended this seminar. It also counted on the participation of officials from the tax administrations of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, France, Paraguay, Peru and Spain.

The event was highly productive given the diversity and quality of speakers, as well as the motivation and interest of the participants.

Throughout the three-day seminar, various aspects related to legislative experience and competence; structural and organizational aspects; operational issues relating to voluntary collection; debt control and persuasive collection; collection processes and automation of the collection and management; and general aspects of international assistance for coercive collection were covered.

Roundtable discussions were organized on September 23rd in order to discuss together with international experts about possible improvements in existing processes in the SRI of Ecuador and make recommendations for those tax administrations members of CIAT who are considering adapting and improving collection processes, both persuasive and coercive.

During the event, on several occasions it was stated the need to allocate more resources for strengthening the collection processes and the need to install on the international agenda this topic so important for the tax administrations, which in turn will be the central subject of CIAT Technical Conference which will be held in Lisbon next October 2011.
Workshop Agenda

Photo: A moment in which Mr. Gonzalo Arias, Director of International Cooperation, CIAT presents his subject in the Seminar on Tax Collection System


Photo: Participants in the heart Seminar

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