To take or not our tax responsability

Taxpayer compliance

blog-Asumir o no nuestra responsabilidad tributariaWe are now living the Income Tax campaign here in Spain and most of the people are more worried about the refund than to be aware about their tax responsability. Many Spaniards are looking to be refunded by their taxes like it were a prize but in fact it is?

The Spanish Tax Administration (AEAT) was awarded in 2008 with a prize for its service calls “draft of Income Tax”. This “draft” is one of the more used and useful services of the AEAT and for that reason, this institution was recognized with a prize of good practices in public services by the Spanish Assessment Agency of Public Polices and Quality of the services.

Nowadays in Spain there is 82% of salaried population for whom the tax responsabilities in respect to Tax Income is just to accept or no this “draft”. But are citizens aware of the meaning of this refund by the AEAT? Is in fact a prize to be fefunded year by year? I don´t think so.

Last years, the AEAT made great efforts in order to make the tax responsabilities easier for taxpayers. Computerization was one of its keys.

It´s true that the more easier in terms of procedures the tax responsabilities are, the more levels of tax incomes will be collected. But on the other hand, it is also important that the taxpayers are aware of what means to accept or not this “draft”.

Do you use the “draft” of the AEAT or similar service of your Tax Administration? Do you revise all data or do you prefer to accept it immediately wether you will be refunded X €? Are you aware that this “draft” is one of your tax responsabilities? Do you recommend any mesaure to strengthen citizens their tax responsabilities?

Awaiting for your opinions!

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