The Belize Revenue Service receives a technical mission within the framework of the CIAT-SECO Collaboration Program

The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland have joined efforts for the formulation and execution of the technical assistance project: Development of Tax Intelligence Focused on Risk Management in Belize.

Within the framework of the aforementioned project, a face-to-face mission was carried out from October 3 to 7, 2022, with the participation of the CIAT consultant and Authorities of the Belize Revenue Service for the purpose of promoting risk-based management; presenting and discussing some of the tools designed for risk management within the framework of the project and defining future actions.

The Belize Revenue Service team has conducted a remarkable task in fulfilling the work plan, showing great interest in advancing towards the achievement of the project’s results.


From left to right: Sharon Moya, Alexandria Grinage and Zamira Leiva (BTSD Team) and Martín Slemenson (CIAT Consultant). On the back wall: BTS Mission, Vision and Core Values. BTSD Meeting Room.

Form left to right: Martín Slemenson (CIAT Consultant) and Zamira Leiva and Alexandria Grinage (BTSD Team). On the back wall: BTS Mission, Vision and Core Values. BTSD Meeting Room.

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