His Excellency, Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy in Panama visited the CIAT headquarters.

On November 9, 2018, Mr. Márcio F. Verdi, CIAT Executive Secretary, the directors of the organization as well as the Heads of the Missions of Spain and Italy before CIAT were honored with the visit of H.E. Massimo Ambrossetti, Ambassador of Italy in Panama.

Among the topics discussed were the historical relations of Italy and Spain with our Organization, as well as the role of their missions at CIAT.  Likewise, the conversations dealt with the structure and operation of CIAT, its programs, activities, studies, meetings and projects.

Present in the meeting on behalf of the Embassy of Italy were H.E. Massimo Ambrosetti and the Head of the Italian Mission at CIAT, Lieutenant Colonel of the Guardia di Finanza, Stefano Gesuelli. The CIAT Executive Secretary participants were Messrs. Márcio F. Verdi, Executive Secretary, Santiago Díaz de Sarralde, Director of Tax Studies and Research; Raúl Zambrano, Director of Technical Assistance and ICT; Alejando Juárez Espíndola, Director of Training and Human Talent Development;  and Juan Francisco Redondo, Head of the Spanish Mission at CIAT.

This visit by the Ambassador has been key to further strengthening the relationships between CIAT and the Government of Italy.


Su Excelencia, Massimo Ambrosetti, Embajador de Italia en Panamá , junto a directivos de la Secretaría Ejecutiva. / His Excellency, Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy in Panama and the CIAT Executive Secretariat directors.

De izquierda a derecha: Stefano Gesuelli, Teniente Coronel de la Guardia de Finanza y el Jefe de la Misión Italiana ante el CIAT; S. E. Massimo Ambrosetti y Márcio F. Verdi, Secretario Ejecutivo del CIAT. /From left to right: Stefano Gesuelli, Lieutenant Colonel of the Guardia di Finanza and Head of the Italian Mission at CIAT; His Excellency, Massimo Ambrosetti, Ambassador of Italy in Panama and Márcio F. Verdi, CIAT Executive Secretary

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