e-CIAT Newsletter
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Given the importance for us of providing continuous training to keep tax professionals up to date with everything related to aspects of tax administration and international taxation, we announce that we have opened the registrations of the thirteenth edition of the Course on the Control of Financial Institutions and Operations, of the sixth edition of the updated version of the Course on Transfer Pricing, the seventh edition of the Diploma in Tax Administration and the second edition of the Course on Tax Estimates.
How do I apply?
You must complete the registration form that is available in each virtual course. Those who have never taken a course with CIAT should send the following documents to capacitacion@ciat.org:
- Copy of the national identification document or valid passport.
- Letter of endorsement that indicates your status within the Tax Administration and / or Company.
- Undergraduate or postgraduate university degree.
Once the inscriptions have been completed, you will receive a formal registration confirmation message and simultaneously, in the case of public officers, we will send a letter to your tax administration requesting the validation of your registration.
How to make the payment?
The payment instructions for the courses that have the minimum number of enrollments will be sent via email. The means of payment that we are handling currently are bank transfer and credit / debit cards. In some cases, payment through Western Union is accepted.
How are the virtual courses?
The online training consists of programs that are carried out without face-to-face attendance, through a device with Internet connection, using ICT. Currently, there are several types of online training: self-study, guided by tutors, and MOOC (massive). In the case of the CIAT programs, they are taught through the CIAT virtual campus, https://capacitacion.ciat.org with tutors who accompany the students’ training process. The training programs include study material, as well as individual/group activities that allow evaluating the academic performance and the knowledge acquired by the participants (forums, tasks, evaluations, cases, workshops, self-evaluations), previously established in the academic planning of the course.
To complete the CIAT courses it is important to take into account the following aspects:
- Access to Internet
- Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as a browser
- Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player and Java plugins updated
- “Cookies” option enabled
- Popup option unlocked
- To have all the necessary permissions for the accessing external pages
What certification will I receive?
The participants that fully develop the training process and comply with the activities will receive a certificate issued by CIAT, where the course approval is accredited.
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Download eCIAT Newsletter No. 14 / October 16, 2014
- The 50th General Assembly of CIAT will take place in Mexico on April 25 to 28, 2016
- The Tax Administration of Suriname Receives Technical Assistance from CIAT on risk Management
- Tax Administrations of the world meet to discuss access to information sources to improve compliance and prevent tax evasion
- Tax Administration of Guyana receives technical assistance on Auditing Large Companies under the Cooperation Agreement CIAT – GIZ
- Call for contributions of articles for the– 40th Edition CIAT/AEAT/IEF Tax Administration Review
- Bernard Gambarrotti Juan Rodriguez, new correspondent of Ecuador before CIAT
- Bolivia – The SIN collected 37,893.5 million up to September, including VAT and TI
- Colombia – Tax collection exceeded $14 billion in September
- Dominican Republic – Guarocuya Felix presents in Rome the experience of the DGII in APAs Agreements
- Mexico – Regulation of the Income Tax Law
- Peru – Joining the “Green growth Declaration” chart of the OECD
- Spain – Approval of the “ICT Strategy” Plan of Digital Transformation of the State General Administration”
- United States of America – IRS Announces Key Milestone in FATCA Implementation; U.S. Begins Reciprocal Automatic Exchange of Tax Information under Intergovernmental Agreeme
264,986 total views, 1 views today
Download eCIAT Newsletter No. 13 / September 18, 2015
- Structures, structures
- UN-CIAT Course on Transfer Pricing
- Officials from the Trinidad and Tobago Tax Administration visit the Tax Administration Service of Mexico within the framework of the CIAT-GIZ Cooperation Agreement
- Call for contributions of articles for the– 40th Edition CIAT/AEAT/IEF Tax Administration Review
- Rosalía Cristina Muñoz Li, new correspondent of Peru before the CIAT
- Bolivia – The SIN collected 34.954,5 million up to August, highlighting VAT and IT
- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – The SENIAT collected 104.1 billion bolivares in August
- Costa Rica – Finance Ministry presents new ATV system for tax return
- Dominican Republic – DGII celebrates a “Tax guidance day” for taxpayers nationwide
- Dominican Republic – DGII announces immediate delivery of taxpayers registration certificates
- Ecuador – SRI prepares a study to simplify the payment of taxes in the business sector
- Peru – Sales tax collection (IGV) grew 4.4% in August
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Download eCIAT Newsletter No. 12 / September 4, 20145
- Call for contributions of articles for the – 40th Edition CIAT/AEAT/IEF Tax Administration Review
- A bold adventure and a common adjective (ii)
- Provisional list of applicants admitted to the Call for Research Scholarship
- CIAT’s Executive Secretary participated in international meeting
- The Finance Subcommittee of the CIAT Executive Council concluded its meeting
- CONEXION: International Forum of Digital Taxation
- CIAT participated in the first PIS/COFINS Strategic Dialogues Meeting
- With the support of EUROsociAL II and CIAT, the National Tax Service (SIN) of Bolivia prepares to control the international tax fraud and comply with the standards of transparency and information exchange
- Bolivia – EMI and SIN open Accounting and Tax Support Center for the benefit of the taxpayers
- Colombia – Collection of national taxes increased by 7.8% in July
- Dominican Republic – Tax collections grew by 6.4% between January and July this year compared to same period of last year
- Jamaica – FATCA Bill Becomes Law
- Mexico – SAT and Amexipac present the book “The new tax administration in Mexico: Digital DNA”
- Peru – Electronic invoices facilitate and simplify tax obligations
Download eCIAT Newsletter No. 11 / August 14, 2015
- WP 02 – 2015 Available in English: Cooperative Tax Relationship or Compliance: Current situation in the CIAT member countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia
- With the support of the Global Forum, the World Bank-IFC and CIAT, the DIAN of Colombia is fostering effective exchange of tax information in Latin America
- SAT of Guatemala receives expert advice on electronic invoicing in the framework of the EUROsociAL II Program
- Fernando Barraza, new Director of the SII of Chile
- Victor Martin Ramos, New superintendent of SUNAT of Peru
- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – SENIAT collected more than 95 billion bolivares in July
- Bolivia – The SIN collected 31,985.2 million up to July, including VAT and IT
- Chile – SII Director met with Minister of Finance
- Dominican Republic – Internal Taxes analyzes the determinants of tax compliance in Dominican Republic
- Jamaica – TAJ Finalises Preparations to Implement FATCA
- Mexico -Tax administration simplifies their processes to the benefit of taxpayers
- Paraguay – Report on Tax Expenditures presented to the media
- Uruguay – DGI will universalize the use of electronic invoicing by the end of 2019
264,940 total views, 1 views today
Download eCIAT Newsletter No. 10 / July 31, 2015
- The AFIP from Argentina and the SAT from Mexico exchange experiences in registering and locating taxpayers
- The CIAT Executive Secretariat honors staff members
- Launching of the Addis initiative
- Guardia di Finanza of Italy shares its experience with the AFIP of Argentina on administration of taxpayers by tax relevance
- SAT of Guatemala receives technical assistance on information sources under the CIAT-ITC Collaboration Program
- Argentina – Echegaray: “We propose to the WCO a multilateral convention of automatic customs information, where the central focus is on the correct valuation of the goods
- Chile – SII completed emission of circulars to implement the tax reform
- Colombia – Collection of national taxes grew by 6%
- Dominican Republic – DGII holds meeting to determine Tax Education strategies
- Ecuador – The SIN launched the International Tax Education Workshop with participation of 14 countries
- El Salvador – Research study on Tax Policy in El Salvador is Presented
- Honduras – With new auditing manual, the DEI aims at better tax examination
- Honduras – Transfer Pricing Law to be applied in August
- Uruguay – The collection of the DGI grew 3% in real terms in the first half of 2015
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