Course on Tax Estimates

This course seeks to present a general view of conceptual aspects related to tax revenue and tax expenditures, provide the necessary techniques to carry out the tax revenue projections tasks (Time series analyses) and to prove the necessary knowledge for the works of Tax Expenditures quantification. The course is offered in Spanish.

Is aimed at officers and individuals involved in tax administrations of CIAT member countries and with responsibilities in the design and implementation of public policies. Likewise, it’s has a duration of 25 weeks and 240 academic’s hours.

The Training Coordination issues certificates of approval in physical format, for which participants have the minimum grade of approval of the course 

The course will develop the following topics:

– Lesson 1. Determinant factors in tax collection

– Lesson 2.  Tax collection system.

– Lesson 3.1 Methods for projecting tax collection

– Lesson 3.2 Direct method for projecting tax collection

– Lesson 4. Methods for analyzing the variations of tax revenues

– Lesson 5. The economy of tax revenues

– Lesson 1. Econometric methods for the forecast. Temporary series and their components

– Lesson 2.Deterministic self-projecting forecast methods

– Lesson 3. Stochastic self-projecting forecast methods. BOX-JENKINS Methodology

– Lesson 4. BOX-JENKINS Methodology. Automatic forecast

– Lesson 5. Seasonal and general ARIMA models. Identification, estimation, diagnosis and forecast

– Lesson 6. Seasonal and general ARIMA models. Automatic forecast

– Lesson 7.  Analysis of intervention and transfer function models

– Lesson 1. Conceptual Framework

– Lesson 2. The reference framework and identification of items that result in the tax expense

– Lesson 3. Tax expense estimation methods


Training Programs Technical Assistance Trainers Network
The interested in enrolling in courses must fill out the registration form and accompanied by photocopies of the following:

  • University graduate or postgraduate.
  • Identity.
  • In the case of public agents, a certificate issued by the Human Resources indicating their status within the Administration.

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