Course on the Control of Financial Institutions and Operations

The course seeks to identify and know the various financial operations in order to establish optimum control mechanisms that may contribute to combat tax fraud and evasionThe course is offered in Spanish.

It’s Intended for tax administrations officials of the CIAT member countries, as well as the public in general working in the area of taxation or interested therein. Likewise, it’s has a duration of 12 weeks and 135 academic’s hours.

The Training Coordination issues certificates of approval in physical format, for which participants have the minimum grade of approval of the course 

The course will develop the following topics:

Lesson 1. Instruments, Institutions and financial markets

Lesson 2. Generalities on Taxation

Lesson 3. The taxation of financial intermediaries

Lesson 4. The taxation of investment funds, retirement and trust funds

Lesson 5. The taxation of innovation and financial transactions

Lesson 6. The taxation of international financial transactions

Lesson 7 Tax Administration and financial institutions and markets

Lesson 8. Control of and through financial markets (with emphasis on international markets)


Training Programs Technical Assistance Trainers Network
The interested in enrolling in courses must fill out the registration form and accompanied by photocopies of the following:

  • University graduate or postgraduate.
  • Identity.
  • In the case of public agents, a certificate issued by the Human Resources indicating their status within the Administration.

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