Technology and customer experience: keys in the evolution of the DIAN service

In DIAN, the institutional strategic approach has been directed towards the design and implementation of a project focused on transforming the entity, which allows increasing its productivity, the effective management of resources, the quality of the information, and the service improvement, with the purpose of maximizing voluntary compliance with tax obligations and the consequent improvement in collection levels and reduction of evasion.

To achieve this, it is necessary to incorporate new technology that allows innovating and integrating the service experience as a strategic component that focuses institutional management on the client, providing support tools that facilitate the presentation of their declarations and procedures, in addition to expanding the services of information and assistance.

To meet this objective, the entity has made available various tools to the public: the Diana Chatbot, the APPDIAN, the self-management kiosks, the provision of the service by email and video attention, services that expanded the coverage nationwide and diversified the way of citizen access to service channels.


Cognitive Virtual Assistant Implementation – DIANA Chatbot

In the Entity’s chat channel, a cognitive virtual assistant, chatbot was implemented, where the citizen solves queries related to the tax calendar, RUT information, contact points, electronic invoice, simple taxation regime, the income of individuals, and the electronic signature. The total number of queries received by chat during 2020 was 1,082,157, of which 245,347 were answered by the DIANA chatbot (that is, 23%).

So far in 2021, improvements have been made to the service through this channel, regarding the cognitive logic of the branches of electronic invoicing, Simple Taxation Regime, personal income, and the electronic signature instrument, also focusing the attention provided directly by the service agents to support the solution of incidents in the use of the entity’s online services. This year, a total of 50,916 queries have been attended, of which 18,840 correspond to the chatbot and 32,076 to those attended by a DIAN agent.



In 2020, phase one of the DIAN APP came into operation, an application in which citizens can access services such as the recovery of login password, the query of communications sent by DIAN, RUT query, PQRS filing, contact us by call online or chat and registration to the Simple Tax Regime. For that year, this mobile application had a total of 50,859 downloads, of which 80% correspond to Android users.

By 2021, phase II went into force, activating services such as checking the refund status, account statements, upcoming expirations, among others. In the period January to March, 15,879 downloads have been generated, of which 85% correspond to Android and 15% to IOS. For this latest version, the most repetitive query is the “RUT status”, with 11,600 queries, followed by 10,800 RUT registration and downloads of the RUT, 10,400.


Attention by Email

Within the framework of the health emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection throughout the national territory due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, the DIAN guaranteed the provision of the service, through the strategy of “Virtual Attention by Email”. As a result of this exercise, during the period March 2020 to March 2021, 2,175,014 appointments were offered, 1,543,183 taxpayers were attended, and: 1,595,453 procedures and services for registration and updating of the RUT individuals and legal entities, applications for RUT updates subject to verification, TAC guidance, virtual kiosk, accounting books, refunds, and collections.


Self-managing virtual kiosks

On the other hand, in 2019, the Entity started a project to promote self-management of procedures and services with the installation of 35 kiosks, in 33 cities and municipalities nationwide. Thanks to this tool, from its start-up and until February 2021, 89,770 citizens were able to self-manage 147,214 procedures and queries related to registration, updating, and obtaining a copy of the RUT, password recovery, user account authorization, authorization, and activation of invoicing numbering, consultation of payment receipts, financial obligation, and exogenous information.


Video attention

With the help of a video conference system, in April DIAN launched the Video Attention scheme, a new experience for the taxpayer that will bring benefits in terms of the effectiveness of the procedures, as well as real and verifiable actions to reduce the taxpayers’ transaction costs, facilitation, simplification, and support for compliance with tax obligations.

Various studies and investigations allowed to define and structure the DIAN Video Attention scheme, such as internet access in Colombia. According to figures from the MINTIC, there are 7.65 million fixed internet accesses in the country and 29.4 million mobile internet accesses are registered by subscription and demand. This and other events motivate DIAN to continue virtualizing its procedures and services to guarantee that more citizens gain access, thus avoiding long journeys to go to a contact point of the Agency.

It is important to note that the Video Attention scheme provided by DIAN includes backup scenarios to cover and replace the absence of a public server with connection problems. Likewise, it provides scenarios and procedures to complete and develop customer service when the connection fails temporarily or is suspended indefinitely.

This evolution of the DIAN, in the management of the taxpayer service and the administration of its service channels, is a sample of the materialization of two of its four fundamental pillars: technological modernization and proximity to the citizen.

Finally, it is essential that the tax administrations continue to work on positioning the service experience that we wish to deliver as part of the institutional transformation process, internalizing the concept and its practice in the daily work of public servants, seeking to harmonize the relationships between the TA and the citizens.

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1 comment

  1. Administrasi Bisnis Reply

    Could you explain the role of CIAT in supporting the development of tax policies and practices that contribute to economic growth and fiscal sustainability in member countries?

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