CIAT follows the evolution of Brazil’s transfer pricing regime

On 18 December 2019, a workshop was held in Brasilia entitled “Transfer Pricing in Brazil: towards convergence with OECD standards”. This activity was sponsored by the Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil, the OECD and the British Government. The purpose of this high-level activity was to launch the joint OECD and Secretaria da Receita Federal (RFB) report on transfer pricing in Brazil, which aims to align Brazil’s rules with international standards in this area and to provide a forum for discussion with relevant stakeholders on the next steps to be taken.

The meeting was opened by authorities from the sponsoring organizations and was structured in three panels composed of representatives from international organizations, academia, the Brazilian government and companies. The first panel addressed key aspects of the joint OECD and RFB report, the second addressed options for the alignment of the current Brazilian regime with international standards, and the third focused on considerations for effective implementation. In this last panel, CIAT’s Director of International Cooperation and Taxation, Mr. Gonzalo Arias, provided his view on the main challenges to be faced by the RFB when implementing the principle of full competition and their respective methodologies.

This activity allowed the participants to get to know the joint proposal in depth, exchange points of view and provide feedback to the Brazilian government on the effects and challenges that such a significant change would generate.

 See: Joint OECD and RFB proposal

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