Visit to the Angolan Tax Administration

On March 20 to 24, 2017, a visit was made to the Tax Administration of Angola to develop a preliminary analysis, evaluation and diagnosis of the projects currently being carried out by this administration for the implementation of its new SIGT technological platform, as well as in the near future of the Value Added Tax, and the transmission of information on electronic invoices, currently being carried out by the AGT.
The mission was formed by the Director of Technical Assistance, Raul Zambrano and the Head of International Projects of Electronic Invoicing, Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas, who were accompanied by the Coordinator of the National Meeting of State Tax Coordinators and Administrators – ENCAT. During the visit, in addition to the exchange of information, electronic invoicing in Latin America and issues related to the management of VAT were discussed.
The AGT team was led by Beatriz Sambo, director of the Fiscal Studies Center that coordinates the execution of the mentioned projects.

Right to left: Raul Zambrano, CIAT Technical Assistance and ICT Director, Eudaldo Almeida de Jesús, ENCAT General Coordinator and Vinicius Pimentel de Freitas, Head of International Projects of Electronic Invoicing – CIAT.