Fernando Barraza

Fernando Barraza

Consultant for the IDB, WB and CIAT. Member of the IMF Expert Committee and advisor to tax administrations, companies and institutions in strategies and innovation processes with information technologies, risk-based tax compliance management, taxpayer experience management, tax dispute prevention, high net worth management, factoring and electronic invoicing, international taxation, among others. Associate Professor at the School of Economics and Business, Universidad de Chile.

National Director of the Internal Revenue Service (SII) of Chile, 2015-2022. He led the implementation of tax reforms, the new Tax Compliance Management Model based on Risk Management and Taxpayer Attention and Assistance based on Experience Management, and innovations such as VAT Digital Services, Electronic Sales Vouchers, Tax Traceability and Pre-filled VAT Returns. Member of the FTA Bureau-OECD, 2017-2022, and Deputy Director of Information Technology of the SII, 1999-2009.

Co-author of publications: “Digital Transformation in Latin American TAs”, IDB-2021, “ICT as a Strategic Tool to leapfrog the Efficiency of TAs”, CIAT, Bill & Melinda Gates 2020, “Manual on Non-Compliance Risk Management for TAs”, CIAT/SII/IMF-IMF-2020.
Industrial Civil Engineer and Computer Engineer from the University of Santiago de Chile, Master in International Tax Administration from IEF of Spain, Diploma from ESE Business School and Certification in Data Analytics from MIT.

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