Pablo Porporatto

My name is Pablo Porporatto, national of Argentina. I was born in the interior of Argentina, in the city of Bell Ville, in the central province of Cordoba, on March 1, 1971. I currently live in the city of Buenos Aires. I have two children, Isabella and Tiziano, who are my greatest treasures.

I have two university degrees, as Certified Public Accountant and a Business Administration Degree, both obtained at the National University of Río Cuarto, where I also got a specialization in Accounting Systems and Quantitative Methods. In Buenos Aires, I got the Specialization in Taxation from the University of Belgrade and the Specialization in Public Finance at the University of San Andrés. I also obtained the CIAT Taxation Degree, as well as the International Masters in Tax Administration and Public Finance of CIAT, CEDDET, IEF, AEAT, AECID and UNED.

I have been Professor of the National University of Villa María in the subjects of Public Finances (Head of practical works by competition), Tax Regime for Managers, Project Evaluation and Financial Taxation (optional). I have also served as a teacher in graduate programs at the National University of Río Cuarto, Externado University (Colombia) and INTEC (Dominican Republic). At CIAT I have been author and tutor in the course of Control of Financial Institutions and Operations. I am also the author of the Tax Policy and Tax Technique Module and International Taxation Module of the Diploma in Taxation.

I have performed research and publications on issues of tax policy, operational taxation, financial institutions taxation and International Taxation, particularly in relation to the international exchange of information for tax purposes. I have also participated as a speaker at seminars and conferences on such issues.

I have 25 years of experience working at AFIP (Federal Administration of public revenues) mainly in areas of control. In recent years I have served as Chief of the Tax Information Exchange Division and currently as Department Head of Control of Financial Operations.

My experience as a tutor in CIAT courses has been fabulous professionally and personally. Each edition of a course is a pleasant challenge in which, as tutor, I try to guide, inform, motivate, correct and evaluate. In balance I receive much more than what I give, since I learn a lot from the students, each of them enriching my knowledge and the other participants, and in my understanding activities where students can interact and exchange views are important. Virtual education has no limits, anything is possible with wit and enthusiasm.

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