1 Dec 2015
  • Technical Assistance

In the framework of the collaboration of CIAT and GIZ, last November 09 to 13 the Barbados Tax Administration was visited by an expert in order to provide technical assistance…

18 Jun 2014
  • Events

The International Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT) and the German Cooperation (GIZ) in collaboration with the Inland Revenue Department from the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Trinidad & Tobago,…

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3 Feb 2012
  • Other News

On January 9-13, 2012, the CIAT Director of Technical Assistance and Information and Communication Technologies, Raul Zambrano, visited the Inland Revenue Department of Barbados to review improvements to the integrated…

27 May 2010
  • Technical Assistance

The CIAT Technical Assistance Manager; Raúl Zambrano, visited the Barbados Inland Revenue Department. The main purpose of this journey was to assist the Tax Administration with the  processing of tax…

11 Mar 2010
  • Other News

On March 8, the Executive Secretariat was honored with the visit of Mrs. Sabina Walcott-Denny,  Internal Revenue Commissioner of Barbados and Chairman of COTA (Caribbean Organisation of Tax Administrators), who…

23 Sep 2008
  • Events

September 25, 2008 – The Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT, as per its Spanish acronym), with the cooperation of France’s DGFIP, hosted the third meeting of the Tax Administrations’…

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