IDB-CIAT Revenue Collection database

These statistics consider not only the taxes under authority of central, national or federal governments, but also the taxes under competence of sub-national governments and contributions to Social security, including those corresponding to the magisterium, armed forces or state workers.

Unlike other statistics, CIATData statistics consider a greater breakdown of information. Among others, it is possible to identify collection before and after refunds; to know how much of the VAT collection corresponds to domestic operations and how much to imports; to identify the collection of selective or special taxes by type of goods; or find the collection of highly popular tax figures in Latin America, such as simplified tax regimes for small businesses, tax on financial transactions, and asset-based minimum taxes.

In 2011, CIAT and IDB statistical efforts were combined to incorporate a new methodology that, in addition to the usual tax revenues, includes compulsory contributions to private health and pension systems and income from natural resources (royalties and other extraordinary levies on companies extracting publicly owned resources), all under the concept of Equivalent Fiscal Pressure (EFP). The details of this new methodology and some analyses based on this new database are found in the working paper Equivalent Fiscal Pressure in Latin America and the Caribbean / CIAT-IDB (Agnes Rojas y Dalmiro Morán)

In this update, quantitative information has been compiled and systematized for 27 LAC countries for the period 1990-2021 and can be downloaded in the following link: The Equivalent Fiscal Pressure in Latin America and the Caribbean (1990-2021) : Update and current situation in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic (Dalmiro Morán and Marco Solera).

The access to the data is available at the following links under different presentations to facilitate its use and interpretation:

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